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Do you guys let people lease horses to "try them out" before buying? I have
a potential buyer for Knightmare, the filly I sold then bought back because
she was being so neglected, and she wants to lease Knightmare prior to buying
her. I said okay, because I also wanted the opportunity to check these
person out prior to letting her buy Knightmare. And truly, I think of it as
LETTING her buy Knightmare because I love this filly and have a lot invested
in her emotionally at this point. So, I drafted a lease and sent it off to
the woman. Her response was that the lease just went "on and on" and she
just wanted to try the horse out before buying it. Okay, first, I'm an
attorney, what did she expect? Second, I explained that the horse had been
starved with NO vet care or farrier care for a year and a half and I wanted
to be sure, this time, that she was well taken care of. I offered to come
down and look at her place and her horses and meet with her, and then let her
purchase Knightmare with a money back guarantee if she was dissatisfied. She
said no, that she did not want to buy the horse without trying her out first.
So, do you guys let people lease horses? And, if you do, don't you have a
written lease that says what happens if the horse gets hurt or hurts someone
while in the leasee's position?
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