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Re: RC: Re: Fwd: RC: Re: barefoot horses
In a message dated Fri, 6 Jul 2001 8:37:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Lynne Glazer <lynne@glazer.org> writes:
Quoting Henry:
<< The periople will absorb moisture and swell at the coronet, but hoof
wall is hardly absorbent.>>
Just an additional observation about the periople--it has been my experience that periople that is repeatedly wet and dried actually deteriorates, much the way the cuticles around your fingernails will when exposed to such treatment. You can see the periople become whitish when it has been soaking and absorbing water, and clearish again when it is dry--and you can see it flake away with repeated wet and dry cycles. If one was to do anything constructive for the periople, it would be to use things on it to keep it pliable--such as mink oil, etc. Just like you'd use hand cream on your hands to keep cuticles pliable--not repeated soaking and drying cycles!
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