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Re: New Horse Management List
New Horse Management List
Lauren & Allan Horn <4horn@home.com> said:
>There is a new horse management list geared for stable/ranch/farm
>operators and anyone interested in stable/ranch management...
>All are welcome!!
Before anybody signs up for *any* list on Yahoo, I strongly
recommend reading Yahoo's so-called "Privacy Policy," particularly
the explanation of "Web Beacons" under the "Cookies" section.
Also, keep in mind that Yahoo is the *third* company to own
the "free listserver" lists started by Onelist.com. Onelist
was bought out by Egroups, which was in turn bought out by
Yahoo. Each has had a "privacy policy" that reserves the
right to collect and distribute more and more information about
your interests and habits than the previous list host claimed.
And each reserves the right to modify its privacy policy at
any time. You should have heard the uproar when Yahoo bought
out the "free" web page hosting service Geocities. Yahoo up
and claimed copyright on thousands of people's web pages!
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. These lists are "free"
because of the resale value of the marketing information they provide
to Yahoo.
I *gladly* pay Steph $10 a year for the privacy this list provides.
And now back to distance riding...
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA
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