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Saddle Fitting for the Horse in Training

Hi All:

Need some help again (but you guys are so good at this).  I have a new horse 
that I am training for endurance, but have a saddle problem that everyone 
has dealt with, including me before, but I'd like to hear how others have 
handled this.  My new horse was a sulky horse and while he is broke to 
saddle, doesn't really have any topline, to speak of.  I know as his 
training progresses, this will change, but how do I deal with the saddle 
issue associated with this.  I have a very nice Synergist DSS saddle that 
should fit him when he gets a topline, but is a bit wide over the withers.

The last time I had this issue, I used a Cashel reverse wedge pad and hacked 
of the back end of the pad so it just fit up under the withers.  I was going 
to do the same thing this time, but wanted to hear what others may have 
done.  I searched the archives and didn't find anything on this subject.  
I'd also be interested in hearing what people use for saddle pads.  I like 
the Skito, but I'm afraid that it might be too much padding with the thick 
foam.  I'm not opposed to buying another saddle, but I can't see spending 
the money if it will only fit for a short time until his body changes.  
Thanks in advance.

Carolyn Burgess
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