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PA. Riders The Gamland Issue needs your input!!

debbie Zanot
The Pennsylvania Game Commission has made it's reccomendations
to close Gamelands State wide to horseback riders, and mountain
bikers. Join the Pennsylvania Equine Council to be upadated as to
when the public meetings will be held for public input. The PGC is a
sneaky arrogant bunch that answers to noone. Power un limited. Peter
Johnson our ad hoc advisor to the PGC for PA.
needs your support. Go to my website for that and other information. click news.
We know that time is of the essence and we must have publicity
to make more PA. residents aware of what is happening here.
A group of us would like to organize a protest march to the Capitol
building in Harrisburg...On horseback, mountain bikers,
hunters, and let Governor Ridge look at this seriously and
make a commitment to give  us a fair amount of time to reason with the
Any one out there familiar with Harrisburg that could help us with a good
place to park etc...Open for ideas. We would like this to happen in early
September BEFORE the PGC makes its
decision to shut us out state wide.

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