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Ok i've been reading all of the postings on
barefoot, first of all i ride a 5 yr old qtr horse barefoot in endurance and
have had no problems even on his first 50 recently, but you have to watch the
wear very carefully i check after each ride and if the wear is exceeding growth
then lay off for a week or two. so far i have had only a little resistance from
rm's about going barefoot (no boots) his feet speak for themselves all a vet has
to do is examine them to see he does not need shoes. not all horses are this
lucky though my arab's feet would come apart if ridden without shoes or boots
although she is getting better now that i have a competent farrier who actually
cares about heathy feet and spends the time to shoe correctly and trim
natuarally for the horse to travell normally. For a horse to be able to go
barefoot can be a long process to properly condition them for them. I think
everyone needs to look at each case independantly as no two horses are the same,
what works for mine may not work for yours. SO LETS ALL HAVE AN OPEN MIND
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