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USET results

I only have the results of the 50 mile ride.  However, Sue Greenall 
was first in the 80 and BC

50 miles:
1.  Valerie Kanavy    Bearcat O"Reilly       5:08:24
2.   Jennifer Fisher   Gitcha Covered PW   6:03:46
3.   David Augustine   Syrocco Blair          6:52:17
4.   John Stacy          Chance                    6:52:29
5.   Pat Oliva             Cinnamon Kid           6:52:38
6.   Connie Walker     DML Smoke Silver    7:36:26
7.   Pamela Weidel      Sable King                7:36:30
8.   Michelle Stanton   SS Yankee Cliper      7:36:31
9.   Courtney Walker   Halcyon Kestrel        7:36:32
10.  Renata Farinnelli, DVM  Idaho Thunder  7:36:36
11.  Claire Godwin, DVM  USA Caliber        8:01:50
12.  Renee Mc Namara   Narizar                  8:28:16
13.  James Cropper     Valours Six Gun        9:18:05
14.  Anna Blangiforti    Protto Call                9:18:06
15.  Jeanne Troast      LTF Angel Baby         9:18:07
16.  Lynn Pirozzoli      Appearing Nightly      10:06:59

30 started - 16 completed
5 started the 80 and 5 completed

I started the 50 on Harbor Flyte, but pulled at the first vet check.  
He would not do any other gait but a canter - up and down hill, fast 
and slow.  He had a C gut sounds and passed all the other criteria 
and was allowed to continue.  However, because he had C guts at the 
first vet check and was not listening about being rated, I pulled.  
He bounced right back and was fine.
Helen Stacy
John and Helen Stacy
Renegade Retreat

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