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Thumps and thuds
I have to make mention of two things you pointed
out. Alfalfa and thumps? Maybe, but I have fed strait (and high level protein at
that) alfalfa for years, to all 6 of my horses, competing and non-competing and
have never had a problem. Earlier articles written in this same magazine
suggested that maybe the cause was a calcium deficiency or imbalance which has
something to do with the ions which carry the electrical charges through and to
the heart. Or something like that. So, while alfalfa hay can be high in
calcium, it may be that it is not balanced 2:1 with the phosphorous. (maybe too
much bran?) Calcium is also part of our electrolyte recipes. So I am inclined to
follow that theory. I personally do not allow my horses to eat grass with
or with out a bit. It has nothing to do with manners. I know of someone who did
and the horse stepped on the reins.When the horse panicked because it couldn't
lift it's head, it jerked, reared, fell backwards and broke it's jaw. The rider
didn't fair so well either.It was an accident. Enough seen, 'nough
Write to Les Sellnow Angie, and tell him to do a
better job at research. Inquiring minds
need to know! Lisa Salas, The Odd fARM
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