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Re: RC: Lyme.
In a message dated Wed, 27 Jun 2001 12:17:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, KathyZ1@aol.com writes:
<< If the horse has been exposed, it would
probably have been about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks ago. If the test is unreliable, is
it prudent to just begin treatment? Or should we wait a few weeks until
testing becomes somewhat more viable?
We have found a vet who will test.
However, he seems somewhat reluctant to treat until the horse either tests
positive or shows symptoms. Does this make sense or should we just go ahead
and start? >>
Your vet's advice makes complete sense. As Stagg said, horses are more resistant to Lymes disease than are people. You are already ahead of the game, knowing that you have a likely exposure. However, the horse may well become positive on testing, and be perfectly capable of dealing with the disease on his own. Stagg's one horse was a good example. My own opinion is that it would be more prudent to test and to also perhaps monitor aspects of the immune system such as white count and differential white count, as well as closely monitor for symptoms. I would not suggest treatment unless there is either a change in the bloodwork or start of symptoms. I'd also suggest taking steps to bolster the horse's immunity--antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and selenium would be useful. This would also be a time not to stress the horse, as stress is one of the most powerful immunosuppressants going. Rest, rest, rest, and monitor. Only treat if you see a definite reason to do so.
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