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I also had the fun experience of rearing with my 17 hand saddlebred early on
in his youth. One problem he had was a too-severe bit. I backed off from
the severity, and that solved a lot of the problem. Patience and training
also were valuable. Periodically he would rear over the years, but usually
only with a lot of provocation. Use of a tie down will go a long way toward
retraining the horse; you just have to bear in mind that when the tie down
is on, you don't do stupid tie-down things, like fording a river or grazing
on the trail. The tie down is a training device, and should be used under
training circumstances, not for a trail ride where you will find obstacles
that could be a safety hazard to your horse. Sounds as if your horse needs
a lot of training work before trail riding with friends. All of the posts
I've read have had good tips for you.
Good luck
Joan Dowis
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