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Re: RC: immediately rule out a horse that toes out?
In a message dated Mon, 25 Jun 2001 11:31:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, SunsetOvrC@aol.com writes:
<< I am looking at this mare who has a great stride, endurance, and good
conformation; except for one thing. She toes out on the right front foot. I
have examined video in slow motion of her movement and she doesn't seem to
interfere. This mare has HUGE well formed hooves, which is another plus. Do
I automatically rule her out because she toes out? >>
Heck, no! It's all a matter of degree! You have to look at each horse as a whole package, and not get hung up on any one particular fault. If the whole package goes well together, you only throw out the ones where individual faults are beyond a minor degree. Give me a balanced horse with several minor faults ANY day over one with "perfect parts" that don't all seem to go on the same horse!
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