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> I think I like Jim Holland's answer better than my first one.  I >>have
> used7% iodine, but I think Ichthamol would be better, as it is (as Jim
> said) a drawing salve.  I don't feel that twice a day change is

Word of warning. I've destroyed the strap inside of an easyboot with
ichthammol.  It just desolved it over the course of a few days.  I agree
with Barbara... gauze with a big glob of ichthammol, wrap it with duct
tape, and leave it till they walk through it (usually one day) The best
way I've found to wrap it is tear off a bunch of short pieces and
crisscross them all over the bottom of the foot, then make a few round on
the side and put a few extra rounds around the rim.  Be careful not to
pull tight and get up above the coronary band.

P.S. I *know* I'm posting too much. It's because I've got a ton of
housework to do and it's an avoidance mechanism!

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