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Start of week 3, 2001 XP
Hi everybody! We had a really great day today. Enjoyed our two days off
in North Platte, Nebraska. Now we are camped 10 miles east of Ogallala,
and tomorrow will ride into Julesburg, Colorado. Then back thru Nebraska
into Wyoming in the coming week. Today was the first day of our third
week, and we're still hanging in there. Last night it rained and there was
quite a bit of lightening. But we got up, hauled our horses to the start
and were off......and what a beautiful day it turned out to be! It was
cooler and we didn't get rained on. We started at 6 a.m., and finished at
3:15, my fastest day so far I think.
Trilby didn't ride today. I keep hearing names of a few other people who
have ridden every day so far, but there are not that many. I didn't count
all the names at the ride results tonight but I'm guessing there were less
than 30 riders today. There are new horses in camp, and a couple of people
have gone home.
I am feeling pretty good, this day was a whole lot easier than the first
day of our second week. I am a lot less tired, and more into the routine I
think. The horses are doing really well too, I just weighed them and Rocky
is maintaining his weight and Weaver has...ummm....well, you guessed
it....Lard Butt has continued to gain weight. It's no wonder with how much
they are both eating and drinking, I even had to switch Rocky to a larger
girth today. Most of the horses here look really good, you'll see in the
photos (www.endurohorse.com).
Barney and Linda and Ann are back from Schellborne now. Everything has
been going along pretty well.
Todays ride was really nice, we rode thru more corn and wheat fields,
cattle, cemeteries and rolling hills. The roads were soft from the rain
last night and as usual there was plenty of green grass for the horses to
graze. Crews were out providing water and we had a great day. Debbie from
Texas joined us today and we rode a lot of the day together along with Pat
V. and had a great time. Our horses are doing really well, giving them two
or three days off in a row is turning them into idiots though and they are
just too full of themselves. Maybe a few more days of riding and they'll
mellow out. Everybody is still in really good spirits and we're all having
a good time, even if we have forgotten how many corn fields we've ridden
by. Today we rode on more of the original pony express trail than we
probably have up until now.
Dave is crewing again tomorrow, and Rob is going to the next camp with all
of the extra horses. It should be another great day. I'm riding Weaver,
it's his turn next. I foamed his four easyboots on tonight after I
finished riding. The night before I had done the same to Rocky. Now I
won't have to take easyboots on and off everyday and they can stay on until
they wear off! The two boots I did that with on Rocky in St. Joseph stayed
on two weeks and it worked great. I'm cutting the heel strap off. A lot
of riders shoes are wearing pretty thin, so I'm sure more and more will be
using easyboots. Today in a group this morning I counted 8 out of 11
horses wearing easyboots.
Whinny is doing a lot better and getting around easier now. She gets to
have her drain tube removed tomorrow. That should make her happy.
time for bed! We have to set our clocks back an hour tonight because we
changed time zones. So tomorrow we start at 5:00 a.m. Tomorrow is 51.6
miles, another long day.
Happy XP Trails,
only 29 left to go!
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