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Protestable AERC Rule Violation Malibu
>Sheryl Phelps skphelps1@earthlink.net writes:
>I have looked long and hard and have found a rule that would be protestable
for the >Malibu ride incident with covers both the assault on another riders
horse (ie:kicking >of other riders horse by a human)and assault on the
mountain bike rider! Hope this >helps!!
>16. Violations and Penalties
>16.1 Individual violations. Violations include, but are not limited to the
> b. Acting, or inciting any other to act, in a manner contrary to the
>rules of the AERC or in a manner considered other wise illegal or
> c. Physical assault upon a person &/ or cruelty to an equine.
>16.3 Ride Violations. A sanctioned ride is subject to penalty for,
>including but not limited to the following:
> d. Knowingly permitting a suspended person to participate in any
>manner. (she is knowingly dangerous).
>Any thoughts?
Sheryly, I'm such an idiot. I have no idea how I missed that. Y'all say it
with me now: "Howard, you are such a moron!"
Of course, this is the answer. Like I said, me quoting the AERC rulebook is
like Bozo the Clown trying to decipher Physics. Man, I missed that paragraph
I hope a witness who rode at Malibu takes Susan up on her offer. Heck, I'll
even throw ten bucks into the ring, and I'm the cheapest person I know.
Thank you Sheryl.
Howard (Dumb and Dumber is my favorite movie)
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