There is the problem in a nutshell! The people who need this information the most don't know where to find it until they have already been 'in the system' for awhile. Jessica is at least on ridecamp--how many first-timers are aware of the resources on and its links?
The best thing I have found so far is to ask at the pre-ride meeting for the "mentors" to stand up/wave, and advise any first timers to approach these people for help. (Here in the NorthWest, PNER has produced a vinyl "ASK ME" sign that can be affixed to campers to indicate where the mentors live.) It's a little late in the day (well, Friday night) but better than never. I also know almost all my local riders--when people I DON'T know check in, I ask them if they want some help, and try to point them in the right direction.....