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Debbie Ekhaml dekarab@home.com
Karen, I hope you have read the myriad of posts about
the incidents at the Malibu ride. All the stories from quite
a few different riders from different distances seem to all
be very consistent. I hope you take note. I have nothing
against you personally, in fact, I admire and appreciate
anyone who takes on putting on a ride. I help with 2-3 a
year so I have a good understanding of what it takes. Not
to mention the problems that were out of your hands. However,
you may have dropped the ball a little on this rider. Her
behavior obviously fell into a gray area when it comes to a
Protest, but that does not mean she wasn't out of line. You,
as the manager have the power to do something about it and
should put your personal feelings aside in this case. You
had alot of upset people and I don't think it is fair to tell
everyone at the ride meeting about courtesy toward other trail
users then turn a blind eye when this was violated by a
family friend. I will not boycott the ride as I like to go. We have
already lost the Caspers Park ride down here when a horse got loose on the
highway causing a motorcycle accident. If this
individual is present at next years ride, I will not show the restraint I
did this year. Someone needs to stop her before she kills or seriously
injures someone or a horse. Personally,
I will not push for her to wear a helmet. There is obviously nothing to
protect! People felt strongly enough to take the
time to write some excellent, fact filled, non-slanderous posts.
Please take the high road and rectify this problem before
next year so ALL (include non-horsepeople)are able to have a
safe, enjoyable day on the beautiful trails there. Again,
THANK YOU for putting on the ride. Debbie and Razal
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