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RE: responsibility is the owner's,not the vets
true MB (and along comes the ) BUT I have been at rides where the vets profess
they will do all they can to help you finish! In my mind that is not in the best
interests of the horse, NOT EVER!
we gain respect for our rules, when we gain respect for our horses and when we
gain respect for our ride officials, then we will see a diminishing of such
problems. We (the AERC) have the necessary rules in place and we have the
necessary procedures in place. They are in place not for the benefit of the
competitor, but for the benefit and welfare of the horses.
Let us
all, as responsible persons and competitors, compete with a willingness to
adhere to the AERC Rules and Regulations, expect to have all our fellow
competitors do the same and protest fully and vehemently any who transgress.
you all tell me to dream on ....
In a message dated 6/22/01
2:04:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
suendavid@worldnet.att.net writes:
Can a ride vet legally pull a horse's saddle and bridle to force
the rider
to handwalk if he/she feels that is in the best interest of
the horse? I've
seen it happen, but don't know if it was okay by
AERC standards.
They can and they do but I
maintain that if a horse must be restricted by
time and/or pace, it does
not need to go further, even another mile. The
horse does not care
about his record, his completion or his mileage. If he
proceed without restrictions, he should be done.......maryben
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