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Re: Great motorized bikers
Hi All -
I have only had one experience w/ dirt bikers, in a time of crisis. Two
years ago, when Dani dumped me and went missing for a few hours. They found
me, went looking for her, then circled back and gave me a ride back to the
barn (so I could get Bobby saddled up to go back out).
They did find her, and gently herded her back out to the main road and back
towards the barn, sticking around until the rest of the "search party" met
up with them on the bridge. The whole thing lasted about three+ hours. They
refused a monetary reward. I think they were a father and his son.
Ride Safe -
Cheryl in WNY
>At 12:49 AM 6/22/01 -0400, you wrote:
>>Today Jack and I met motorized dirt bikers on the trail for the first
>>Somebody is raising their kids right!!!
>>What a great experience. Needless to say, I thanked them profusely.
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