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Re: RC: Electrolyting

Jessica, you can practice with applesauce....they usually love it.  In
fact, if you're using the powdered, this is a good medium.  Just put
your thumb in the bridle opening and quickly squirt it in under your
thumb. I like the paste ones (I use LyteNow) because they are easy to
use and sticky enough that he can't readily spit them out.(But more
expensive) Be sure he is not eating something when you give them because
that also lets him go patooie!.  They are salty, so some horses will
eject them just on general principles.  

You really shouldn't give electrolytes under a normal trail ride
situation.  Give him a chance to build his own.

Jim and Sun of Dimanche

> Jessica Spoone wrote:
> I have never tried to electrolyte my horse (we're not competing till
> next spring).  Is it ok to "practice" with a "watered down" dose after
> a trailride? I'm thinking he'll do ok (loves to get paste wormed .. he
> looks for more when I'm done) but I don't want to get to a ride to
> find out he refuses to take them. Thanks.

Richard T. "Jim" Holland                 Phone:  (706) 258-2830
LANCONN, Inc.                            FAX:    (706) 632-1271
Three Creeks Farm			 INTERNET:
175 Hells Hollow Drive                   
Blue Ridge, GA 30513

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