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RE: responsibility is the owner's,not the vets
<<I really think LD should be changed and copy CTR or NATRC guidelines
without all the fussing about judging obstacles, tying to trailers etc.
That is why many people go to LD first and not CTR's...they don't want to be
judged on how shiny their horse's mane is or if they have a hard time
mounting from the ground! >>
Haha, at my last CTR, we learned that it was important to spray glitter on
the horse and rider. Much safer that way I'm sure!
I would definitely welcome LD rides to have some of the control factors of
CTR, w/o the judging stuff. Someone mentioned a ride where a prize was
given to the rider who came in closest to an unknown "optimal time". I
thought that sounded cool. Probably wouldn't like that to be the biggest
prize, but definitely could be one important enough to get some attention!
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