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Horse Dying at Endurance Ride
I just can't believe that: 1. someone do this to a horse(I guess I should
not be surprised) and 2. that the ride vets did not see this coming? I
mean, come on, the objective criteria looked good and the horse just died?
I think that someone messed up big time and I mean not just the idiots that
were competing.
Maybe all the facts are not in. But it seems to me that it is time that the
endurance community take a stricter approach with these types of folks. If
we don't prevent this, I am sure that the animal rights people will be more
than willing to put a stop to it. I don't think that any of us will like
that solution.
In California there is a law on the books that states as follows:
California Penal Code Section 597
"597. Cruelty to animals. (B) Every person who overdrives, overloads, drives
when overloaded, overworks... any animal... is, for every such offense,
guilty of a crime punishable as a misdemeanor or as a felony or
alternatively punishable as a misdemeanor or a felony and by a fine of not
more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000)."
Maybe if a one or two of these hot foots were to face this charge maybe they
would at least think about it next time.
Also, if they did not get vet. help/treatment is this a case of the folks
who owned the horse not having the money to treat the horse? I get real
worried when I hear folks complaining about the cost of entry fees for
endurance events(which are real low compared to other horsey events). I
always think that if you have a hard time coming up with the entry fees,
what would happen if the horse gets sick or hurt? Maybe this is a case in
Tony C (who is a little disgusted right now)
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