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Funny lost horse story- 1986
The recent lost horse story got me
thinking, and I didn't want to write this story until the current horse was safe
and sound. I am glad she is ok.
In 1986 I traveled to Wyoming from
my home in NY via Rushcreek in Nebraska. I did a few rides on the way and
then picked up my good friend Brian Weaver who was working at Rushcreek for the
summer breaking colts. Brian had been the National Junior champion in 1982
and had won the ROC and OD twice - he had Wayne McMinn's RC Kapper with
We went to a 50 miler on the South
Dakota/Wyoming border (TeePee Charity, I think) and had a great ride.
Kapper and Brian were first and I was second with Oz. The camp cleared out
that evening and we were the only ones left. When morning broke, Kapper
was gone and Oz was still tied to the trailer. We were in a 60,000 acre
federal grazing lot, and Kapper never cared for people anyway!!
We had to call Wayne in PA and tell
him. I overheard Brian telling him that he had good new and bad news - he
had won the ride, but the horse had disappeared. In light of the fact that
Brian had once lost Rushcreek Janet when she threw him in training, and she
showed up three days later without her saddle, Wayne listen patiently and asked,
"But do you have my saddle?" You have to know Wayne!
We spent the next two days walking
and riding Oz to every water trough and meadow we could reach - no Kapper.
We did find what we thought were tracks going out the only open gate we saw, but
no luck. Brian had to get back to Rushcreek and I had to be in Minn. the
next Saturday. We left word in every place we could think of with phone
numbers and such, and left. It was a little bit of a quiet ride back to
About a week later Brian got a call
that Kapper had been found at a fire tower almost 20 miles away. He was
missing both front shoes, but appeared ok, and eagerly loaded into the ride
manager's trailer (he never did anything eagerly...).Brian and Lucille Tyler
picked him up and he went on to have a successfull carreer. He never told
us where he went that week
This was my story,
and I will tell it ever how I want to, as Wayne would
Laura Hayes
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