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Re: RC: Just what is LD competition?
Boy it sure doesn't take much to spawn and LD feeding frenzy. We in SERA dealt
with the LD BC several years ago. In the SE at that time there was no consistent
scoring for LD on the BC. Some used time scores - like the longer rides - some
didn't. Some used vet scores only. The results as a whole were pretty much
meaningless since it was apples, oranges and grapefruit. The SERA board at that
time took up the issue, debated it and decided to score LD at SERA rides using
the endurance BC form and to limit it to the top 10 ( here finish was a 60 pulse
which SERA has been using since about 1990 ). We felt that there was a need to
standardize the procedures for all distances.
There were no loud voices. There were no career LD riders on the SERA BOD at
that time. There were no "dirty rotten low life scum LD racers" on the board at
that time. The conclusion was it was just the right thing to do so that everyone
had a consistent set of rules and procedures. Now every SE ride is run the same
and every rider knows what to expect when they show up to ride, be they riding
100 miles, 75 miles, 50 miles or 25 miles.
For the life of me I cannot figure out the knee-jerk reaction LD seems to
generate on RC. There are jerks in all distances. There are people that abuse
other riders and their horses in all distances. In over 10 years of riding,
running and working rides I've only seen one LD horse treated which is about 50
times fewer horses than I've seen treated at the endurance distances. I wish
someone could explain what in LD invokes such an emotional reaction.
Nancy Mitts wrote:
> I think this discussion has come a full circle (again). There must be a top
> ten if the ride uses the AERC BC sheet so the BC will count towards the AERC
> LD awards that LD riders fought so hard for. The loudest voice won.
> Several years ago we had this same arguement in OCER. The majority won. A
> point system was instituted for LD riders just like the endurance riders.
> Many still don't like it, and feel it's contrary to our principles. Managers
> still give the "this is not a race" speech before the rides. The sky hasn't
> fallen (at least not yet). We are a rather small group, but we haven't had
> any more people join who "race" 25's than we did before. The speed demons
> are that way when there is no prize, and the others don't do it no matter
> what the prize.
> Nancy Mitts
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