----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 12:01
Subject: RC: remedies for girth
I just got the recipe from a friend (funny you should
ask <g>). I'm positive
you wouldn't want to use this on skin
that is at all tender or sore
currently. It is a preventative not a
cure. Here's the recipe:
8 oz iodized salt, 8 oz white vinegar
and 4 oz alum (which you can get at a
grocery store, I think in the spice
rack area or at a Health Food Store) .
Add to 1 quart of warm water in
spray bottle and shake it to mix. Shake
each time before using and
spray on the area you want to toughen every day
for a week or so and rub
into the hair to get to skin. Be sure to wash off
before riding.
Once the skin has got tougher, just use once or twice a week
competing. Again, be sure to wash off before girthing.
(I'm using this on my young horse who has verrrrry thin, sensitive