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Re: RC: Malibu LD Incident/LD BC
>I have been looking through my "Endurance News" and it seems to my that
>other areas give more Best Condition awards to the LD. Perhaps the rider
>managers could do that in the PS region. I was totally thrilled to receive
>this award. I have always tried to do the right thing on the trail, to my
>fellow riders, and most importantly, to my horse. I know there are many
>other LD riders who do the same. It was nice to be rewarded in such a big
>Thanks to Tammy Robinson and Fred Beasom, DVM, we appreciate the award.
>Kathy & Taz
Uh, oh, another one of my buttons has been punched.
Kathy, AERC has a policy of only giving points to LD BC if the BC
judging is applied using the same worksheet used for the 50 milers.
This in addition to vet score includes weight and time points.
If the ride manager opts to use their own system, then the winner's
name is not even printed in Endurance News.
As others here are probably weary of hearing me say it, I am very
unhappy about a national system that encourages LD riders to race in
order to even be considered for Best Condition.
Since you are new, you probably don't know that with the exception of
one ride manager, all of us in the southern half of PS give BC to
LDers at our rides. Some of us award BC to 5 riders, with one top
prize. Some of us even have "Honorable Mention" horses as well. We
have different methods of doing this--some use weighting factors on
the vet card, some use just the vet portion of the 50s BC worksheet.
Kathy, not all regions conduct their LDs the same. In the SE, for
instance, racing LD is perfectly normal. In PS, I think most of us
feel that LD is where horse and rider learn to be a team, and that it
provides a great introduction to the sport. Many people ride LD as a
career, because of physical limitations of themselves or their
horses, or just preferring to be out there for less time, or not
being able to condition for the longer distance. For those of us
that don't encourage (or reward) placement, the Best Condition gives
riders something to shoot for--who can finish with their horse in the
best shape according to the vet(s).
At the Norco ride, we consider the whole field, which is a PITA for
the vets but <shrug> I like doing it this way. Even once you're
doing 50s, you'll still really value that BC. My horse won a blanket
once for an LD BC--and that's as meaningful as the Sweepstakes money
she won at a IAHA ride this year. :-)
Norco Riverdance Ride (PS) 9/1/01...I see we missed the EN listing, darn it.
2 posts in one day, yikes.
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