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Tammy, that would be extremely interesting! Except then  some people would skip the 25 milers and go directly to 50 milers! The same riders going nuts!  Maybe rating the speed would work out well. But again, the crazy riders would just skip the rated 25's and go directly to 50's.  I think if you did anything like that, you would have to say, "You can't enter a fifty unless you have proof of doing a time rated 25, or a NATRC ride".  Some people would be very upset by this. We will probably be flamed at any minute.  In the meantime, I would suggest that if anyone knows beginner riders who want to try endurance, steer them toward NATRC for their first few rides. Tell them they can win a prize even if they aren't fastest! I always encourage people to give it a try. Especially with green horses.  Let them learn horsemanship techniques under the eye of a judge. Consider it like a clinic.  Then let them go on to endurance. They will probably enjoy themselves more at their first endurance rides, with a little experience under their belt.   I know I did!   Beth

>Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 11:39:38 EDT
>In a message dated 6/18/2001 11:42:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > I informed the last junior that this was NOT a race and it fell on deaf
> > ears. They were obviously determined on making up time.
> Debbie, I do that same thing all the time, with the same results.
> This is such a shame as to a new generation coming up to, once again,
>RACE an LD. This is why I announced at my pre-ride meeting that the LD at
>our ride is not a race & our/your results will (and has been) printed in
>Alpha-order. I give 6 hours completion times to everyone and put them in
>Apha-order when filling out the results to the AERC. This is the way, other
>rides in our area try and solve this racing problem in the LD. There really
>is no glory in winning something, that according to our AERC rules is not a
> Maybe (just a thought), LD's should have a max and min time set. This
>way riders can learn to pace at a correct speed. If they come into a VC to
>early they sit there until the correct time out is announced. This wouldn't
>hurt the regular LD riders that do this for fun, and it would make it safer
>for riders with new young horses out on the trail without having to put up
>with running horses along the way. I know that NATRC bases their rides like
>this and AERC does not, but as long as this keeps going on then maybe we
>should either reconsider some solution or get rid of LD's and let NATRC take
>care of shorter distance riders. This would be a great loss for AERC,
>because LD's is our up and new coming Endurance Riders. It provides a
>wonderful stepping stone into endurance and also fills in the shorter
>distance rider needs. I personally think it is a must to try and solve this
> Believe it or not, we had a simple Poker Ride (8 miles) later in the day
>at our ride, and we had some riders coming in at a gallop on that! We even
>provided a trail guide and she was passed early in the ride by these racing
>poker riders. Go figure that one???
>Tammy Robinson
>Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
>661/513-9169 or 661/713-3912

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