Tammy, that would be extremely interesting! Except then some people would skip the 25 milers and go directly to 50 milers! The same riders going nuts! Maybe rating the speed would work out well. But again, the crazy riders would just skip the rated 25's and go directly to 50's. I think if you did anything like that, you would have to say, "You can't enter a fifty unless you have proof of doing a time rated 25, or a NATRC ride". Some people would be very upset by this. We will probably be flamed at any minute. In the meantime, I would suggest that if anyone knows beginner riders who want to try endurance, steer them toward NATRC for their first few rides. Tell them they can win a prize even if they aren't fastest! I always encourage people to give it a try. Especially with green horses. Let them learn horsemanship techniques under the eye of a judge. Consider it like a clinic. Then let them go on to endurance. They will probably enjoy themselves more at their first endurance rides, with a little experience under their belt. I know I did! Beth