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Walter Farley/greatest race
> I'm trying to locate some of the now largely out-of-print Walter
> Farley
> books on the Black Stallion
Hey Susan,
One of the venders at the Egyptian Event horse show at the Kentucky Horse
Park had about 7 or 8 different ones, but I think they were the pretty
common ones. By the way, I might be able to just recite them for her. I
think at last count I'd read the Black Stallion something like 23 times
(One rainy day I read it twice) I read The Black Stallion Mystery,The
The Black Stallion Returns and Black Stallion and Satan and several
others over 8 times (thought his name was Satin for years...and called
Napoleon "Neopolitan" I started reading them in the 4th grade >g<). The
worst was the Black Stallion and the Girl.(really ticked me off when the
Black let that hippy girl ride him). Just got hold of the Black Stallion
Revolts once (I think he was a cowpony for awhile in that one). It's a
shame he never thought to let him in an endurance ride. That would have
been a good one....17 hands tall, whistling like a train, wanting to kill
other horses as Alex ducked limbs. >g< The other various and sundry ones
I just read 3 or 4 times.
By the way, remember the only time The Black raced Satan...to get away
from the forest fire (when they were all quarentined for EIA?) It was
the greatest race ever, with all the most famous horses present and Alex
was the only one who got to witness it? That's what I thought of when I
heard the story of the last 10 miles of the Longleaf Endurance ride
several years ago. It was Nina Warren on Desert Ballad (who won the ROC
and top 5 Pan Am) Valerie Kanavey on Cash (ROC winner, 2 time World
Champ) and Melissa Crain on Whoa Jack (ROC winner, top 10 WEC several
times). They raced side by side the last 10 miles of a 100 miler in the
middle of nowhere for no good reason. They averaged something ungodly
like 20mph on the last 10 miles of a 100... No telling what those 3
horses would bring now in their primes like that... and they did it for
what? A sleeping bag I think was what the awards were. I don't think
anybody could run any harder for $1,000,000. When they were interviewing
Val about her WEC win over in Europe, she didn't even want to talk about
that, she just kept talking about that night out in the woods in
Mississippi...*that* was the race of the year. This is not a spectator
sport. If you want to see the most incredible races, you better plan to
get a horse to the point where he can put you in the middle of it. :-)
Angie ________
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