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Anne's request for info. and an update on BH 100
Cindy Collins sunsetrim@hotmail.com
Hello ridecampers! Anne asked for info. on the Big Horn ride and I
thought I'd take the time to answer her AND give you all some news. Once
again, we've lost our ride camp site (four weeks before the ride), but
luck stayed with us and we have relocated the ride site to a location that
may be even better and will allow us to go directly onto the old original
start across the no-hands bridge that many of you will remember! It
allows us to use Black Mt. and have the gates all open during the early
morning start.
Due to this change, the ride will be run in reverse this year
( counterclockwise). To answer Anne's question, at 4 AM you'll cross the
highway( 16) in a controlled start and walk 2/10 of a mile west of the
camp site and turn left onto the old ride site road. The controlled start
will continue for a couple of miles of dirt road including the earlier
mentioned bridge. You will then head 18 miles up the mountain on Black
Mt. road to the first vet check at Jack Creek. From Jack Creek
you will head to Boulder Basin, down Adelaide trail and into Ranger Creek
and finally to Antelope Butte (50 miles). Except for the reversal of
direction, there are no other trail changes at this time. I will be
updating the ride's web site today or tomorrow to reflect these changes(go
to www.eboard.com, then type in: bighorn100mileride). The new ride camp
site is located at 1887 Highway 16, 3.4 miles east of Shell and 18 miles
east of Greybull. It is located in a large, grassy pasture. Water will
be available both by trucked-in tanks and a well. Please feel free to
email me directly with any questions. Bud and Kathy Arnold will, again,
be marking the trail. Thanks! Oh, I will be out of town from June
25-July 7th riding the Wyoming section of the 2001 XP. Please call me or
email before or after that time. Cindy
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