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Ice Boots/ OF Rub
Hi Again, I just got the
jel filled ice boots from Sportack/EasyCare. They are great! I have always
wrapped with the green gel, and quilts, and wraps, what a pain in the
?&)@%$@# !!! I love the ice boot method. I just got new
Ariat leggings to. I have always made my own, but not having the time rite now,
I decided to buy some. Boy am I ever happy with them. They fit great, and
are comfortable, don't slip. twist or rub. Just great. Well worth the big
bucks. BTW. I see allot of good suggestions on RC about your saddle
problem. But I kind of think a saddle should FIT , and having to go
thru all of those acrobatics to get it to NOT bug the horse tells me that
these folks are needing a new saddle. You should be able to groom, saddle
and ride, and not have to spend time messing with all these
yadda yaddas to get started. Annie
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