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Re: RC: Re: Show me the money
In a message dated 6/16/01 12:33:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
tprevatt@mindspring.com writes:
> That's no longer true. It all changed in 1988. The 1988 US basketball
> team was the NBA all stars. Long gone are the days when Jim Thorpe was
> stripped of his metals for playing a few games of semipro baseball for a
> few bucks a game.
Exactly! Where do you think the phrase "Dream team" comes from? Not from
OJ's lawyers, their nickname came from the one originally given to the team
of US professional basketball players in the 88 Olympics. Now it's in the
Olympics in every sport: tennis, hockey, track stars (yes, they do have
professionals). I don't think any sport is exempt, including equestrian.
I'm not trying to douse any Olympic dreams here; that's not my intent. I'm
just concerned about how endurance is getting there and who is leading us
down that path. And before it does go that way, I'd at least like a shot at
getting to vote for it, or against it, if that's at all possible. Right now,
I don't see it happening that way, and this concerns me. I hope it concerns
ya'll too.
Here's one thought that, maybe, some of you haven't considered. Just think
of those rides you go to, the ones that are so crowded you're camping with
over 200 horses and the vet lines are way too long. If endurance becomes an
Olympic sport, you think that will thin out the rides any? Heck no, all
rides will become like the Biltmore, where you need to submit your
application a year ahead just to get on the waiting list. And FEI will be at
most of them, cause that's the way to prepare for the Olympics and make the
For a sport that originated in America (man, I hope I have that fact right),
I just think we should have more of a say than it seems like we do. Course,
sometimes reality isn't fair or just, so, maybe, I'm living in a fantasy
world. I just get the feeling here that the "privileged few" are dictating
what's to be to the "not so privileged" many. And that ain't right.
Howard (Happy Father's Day, btw. We need more Dads, with their kids, on that
endurance trail)
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