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Re: RC: RE: Endurance in the Olympics

Good on ya! Heidi and Wolfgang - couldn't have said it better myself!

At 07:56 AM 6/7/01, you wrote:
>In a message dated Thu, 7 Jun 2001  8:25:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> (Wolfgang Schwingenheuer) writes:
><< FEI is the WORLDWIDE head for horsey events, not
>the USA.>>
>And furthermore, there is absolutely NO reason why AERC and FEI cannot 
>peacefully co-exist, even with their minor differences in rules.  Last 
>time I paid any attention, there were still a great many "Olympic" sports 
>being played on the local and/or regional level, at varying levels of 
>intensity, and often with rules that vary somewhat from the Olympic 
>version.  AERC can be whatever US riders want it to be, regardless of what 
>happens with FEI, or the Olympics, or anything else.  Just because some 
>folks want to compete internationally and some never care to does not make 
>either side "wrong", nor does one position threaten the other, in ANY way.


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