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Re: Electrolyting -need calcium source

> In the humid south, (where thumping is rampant) we use an almost equal
> amount of calcium to the Lite Salt ingredient.... however, I'm having
> trouble finding a good source for the calcium carbonate in quantity...
> (sometimes we take 20 head to one race)  squashing up enough tablet s for
> them is not in the picture.  I used to buy a 50 lb bag of crushed
> for a few bucks... can't seem to find that now.... any ideas anyone... e
> privately... hitting the road in a couple of days & won't be monitoring
> camp for 3 weeks or so.
> thanks in advance

Darolyn, I replied publicly since others might have the same question.  Try
asking for the crushed limestone, or calcium carbonate at a local feed mill,
or sometimes garden supply stores.  If trying garden suppliers, make sure
you differentiate between limestone and LIME---you want the former, not the

Finely crushed oystershell is virtually the same thing as limestone and that
works fine as well.

A source for bulk calcium mineral is Iowa Limestone Company 1-800-247-2133 or 1-515-243-8106.
I haven't bought from them directly, but minerals don't go bad, so as long
as you have a corner of the shed to poke a bag, this would be a BUNCH
cheaper than Tums from WalMart.  This would be a good source for you and
Mark, Darolyn.  My guess is that a 50-lb bag would be a minimum amount.

Not tops on my list, but Lindsey McLean (Royal Vite or something like
that)has a website somewhere or another and she sells calcium carbonate and
some other minerals and things by the pound.  I have some pretty strong
reservations about some of her other nutrition theories, but if all else
fails, at least it's a source for calcim carbonate.

My own choice would probably be to get a 50 lb bag or so from Iowa
Limestone, and either split it between some of your other endurance buddies,
feed it to the chickens, or put it on the garden.

Susan G

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