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Re: Re: Re: Electrolyting
> OK, I'm curious. What are people's "private" recipes? I have been using
> an old one that I got from Lew Hollander's book years ago.
This is probably more or less similar to others mentioned, including Lew's,
but here is one more (translated) version, from Fluids and Electrolytes in
Athletic Horses - Veterinary Clinics of North America, Ken Hinchcliff,
editor (April, 1998).
3 cups sodium chloride (plain white salt)
1 cups potassium chloride (Lite salt)
1/4 cup calcium (calcium carbonate tablets from the vitamin aisle or
1/8 cup magnesium (epsom salts)
If I were going to use this recipe, though, I think I would probably
increase the Lite salt to 2 cups for more potassium. Definitely don't
overdo the epsom salts, it'll give them diarrhea sumpin awful if you do. :-)
Angie, I'm guessing you can figure out how much epsom salts to add to your
recipe to get some magnesium in there. Or, if you're feeding plenty of beet
pulp throughout the day, that's a really good source of magnesium as well,
though I'd still add it to the electrolytes.
Susan G
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