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RE: Re: Fencing
There is a fairly new, vinyl coated high tensile fence that looks good, is
visable (don't know about in snow) and doesn't cut like the plain wire. High
tensile can have the posts spaced pretty far apart as long as wood "spacers"
are placed between posts. At least 5 strands are typically ised. I strongly
feel that the top wire on high tensile should be electrified (vinyl free of
course) to keep horses back off the fence. Anyway, wouldn't use it for small
areas but it definitely is economical and the white color doesn't look too
bad. By the way, you can safely use T-posts is you buy the caps for them.
There is a company that makes a vinyl sleeve that slips ove a T-post with a
top cap and it looks like you've used whipe pipe posts.
Bonnie Snodgrass
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