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RC: too much land, no horses allowed

Call and talk to the local City Planning department.  Ask all the questions 
politely then if they say there is no other option than getting rid of your 
horses, ask what the appeals process is.  If the person you first talk to 
isn't very helpful, call back and ask for the Planning director (or whatever 
the main person's position is)  Again, be polite, and don't lose your temper. 
 If you think you will, have someone else call, and coach them from the 
sidelines with the questions you want answered.  There is almost always a 
waiver or variance process for local regulations.  Ask for a copy of the 
pertinent regulations.  Then you can start getting information from 
neighbors, like how long have they lived there, have they had  or do they 
still have horses (how long).  Would they be willing to sign some sort of 
petition on your behalf or take some other action?  That kind of stuff.  You 
can fight City Hall, but only if you gather all the pertinent information and 
keep your temper when dealing with other people.  I work for a local health 
department and talk to people who have land use questions or problems all the 
time.  If you can remain civil, people at all levels are more likely to WANT 
to help you.  good luck   jeri

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