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Re: RC: Re: Western States 50

In a message dated 6/1/01 10:02:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

What about the Red Rock Ride for 7/14 which is a 50 and only about an hour
away from Potato's ride.  Did it get canceled?  I was planning on going to

I think it must be still in the works, as I've not heard anything about it
being cancelled.  Humboldt WAS cancelled, but Red Rock is probably still on.  
Sorry, I missed listing it along with the 100 miler.  Red Rock is not
terribly far from Foresthill, though Reno is 100 miles from Auburn.  The
logic behind allowing both on the same day is that there is a major
geographical barrier, the Sierras, between them.  Presumably, RR will draw
the Nevada riders and WS will draw from CA riders, but who knows?


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