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Re: Re: Re: Oat Hay????

Susan wrote:

>There are a couple of possibilities as to why Toc gets goofy when you
change the ratios around:

>1) Toc is just choosing to be a dork.<g>

I'm always aware of this possibility >g<

>2)  If the energy content is higher, then sometimes just the change in
glucose curves, more overall calories, etc, can contribute to higher energy.
This wouldn't be my first guess when you're talking about hays, though, this
usually is more likely to apply to changes in concentrate feeds.>

He is very sensitive to any change in diet, and will get "hot" on as little
as 1.5 kilos of concentrates a day.  I have found that feeding a maize-free
helps tremendously.  I've had to up his food lately to 3 kgs of
concentrates, because I'm feeding as much hay as I can, but he's still not
putting on the weight he lost when he had that virus.  He's a helluva
handful to ride, and it takes about ten minutes for me to work up the
courage to climb on board.  I'm hoping he puts on weight FAST so that I can
cut him back again.

>3)  This is somewhat controversial, but I and other nutritionists have at
times noticed similar behavior changes specifically when oat products are

Interesting.  I once tried to feed "straights" which I mixed up at home, in
order to see exactly what it was that hyped him up.  The two ingredients
which definitely caused a reaction were oats and maize.

 >In any event, if decreasing the ratio of oat hay makes Toc's behavior a
little more manageable (and based on your adventures with him, sounds like
you need all the advantage you can get)<g>, then go with it.  3:1:1
grass/oat/alfalfa is a fine ration.<

Thanks.  Oat hay really piles the weight on in winter, and I need it more
than ever at the moment, so I don't want to cut it out altogether, but I'd
still like to come out of winter unscathed.


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