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Mucho Dinero

My boy is one year old. We call him Mucho Dinero because that is what is cost to get him brought into this world! His registered name is Juan's Corona Bey (Desperado V X ER Olympic Dawn) The day he was born I was out back cleaning stalls and a neighbor pulled into the driveway yelling "Hey! Your mare just foaled !" I ran out front and found him laying on the ground, legs sprawled everywhere. All four of the geldings were in attendance. Dough boy was cleaning off the placenta while the other three stood guard. The dogs were sniffing around looking for "stuff" to eat. They are soooo gross. My girl Odie just looked confused. This was her first baby and she was pretty pathetic. She looked as if to be thinking, "I need to see a nutritionist because this poop ain't normal." or "Do I have worms because this poop is moving?". When Dough Boy wasn't licking the little guy clean, I was hugging and kissing this adorable creature. I had waited so long. I ran into the house to call my trainer Wendy. I had mopped floors earlier and hit the bucket as I reached for the phone. I was slipping and sliding on watery tile floor and screaming over the phone for Wendy to hurry over. I came flying out of the house with the video camera and just then John came home. I forgot how annoying he was as a new parent. He is a great dad, don't get me wrong, but worry worts make me insane. This is how it went for the next 1/2 hour or so. "Is that the whole placenta? Get those dogs out of here! Put the other horses away! How long has he been laying down? Doesn't he need to get up and nurse? Does Odie have enough milk? Do his legs look alright? Did he poop yet? Do we need to call the vet? Is he the right size?" Holy crap, enough already!! The baby was perfect, he was beautiful. We tried to put the other horses away but Odie got very upset. So we left Dough Boy with her and put the others away. When Dinero finally stood up, we were amazed at the length of his legs. Then John and I realized that his legs looked exactly like our daughter's legs. Long and brown with big 'ole knees! Oh, and what a face. Perfect. In the first week of his life, my kids and horsemanship class cleaned his little feet, brushed his gums, sprayed him gently with the hose, ran the clippers over him and touched him everywhere. The kids were haltering him and leading him around. He has always been very independent, never freaking out when I took his mom out for rides (even before he was weaned) but he does love his Dough Boy. And brilliant, why it only took me 5 minutes to teach him how to shake a hoof. We have such high hopes for this boy, Tevis, the Olympics maybe. No matter what, he was worth every penny.
P.S. Who ever said, never hit a baby in the face never had a 4 month old colt go after their mother in law (just one little nip). They also never had a 8 month old go after a boob. If they did, they would know that you beat them where ever you can or you will go from a size c cup to a training bra. (yeoww!) Dinero finally learned if he gave a kiss, he got a good scratching, but if he bit, he took his own life in his hands. Just like a guy, he would much rather smooch. I told you he was smart! Lisa Salas, The Odd FArm

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