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No Trails No Sport!! the ugly can of worms is open in PA.
In a message dated 6/2/01 2:10:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
guest@endurance.net writes:
> First step in the plan is to keep everyone off of gamelands
> except hunters in hunting season. Second step will be regulation
> after regulation after rule after rule on State Forestlands..
> I can smell it in the air..a stench that makes my blood run cold.
> This may be the last year we have the Elk Valley Ride, but I
> WILL be a voice when they make their idiotic rules.
> I don't fear for my loss of freedom as a horseback rider because
> they will have to shoot me off my horse (if they can find me)
> I plan to ride as usual, with respect, and reverence to God's
> creation. However I fear for the Elk Valley riders who so
> enjoy this corner of the earth, it isn't easy to hide 100 horses.
Ah, maybe it was in Pennsylvania where my Rebel soul developed. Me thinks
Debbie and I might be related, cause we sure have something in common. YOU GO
DEB, I dub thee Queen of the Pennsylvania Renegade Rider's Club. We ride at
night, with our glow sticks on low beam, sneaking through the trail to get
those miles under our horse's girth, for we must train, it is our DUTY, for
that next endurance ride. We follow no rules, go as we please, and if you
get in our way, we'll fire one warning shot across your forward bow. AFter
that, you're blocking the trail and become fair game.
Our number one rule is, "No one, no hunter, no hiker, no biker, no tree
lover, no road builder, no Authority figure, will stop us from completing our
scheduled rounds, no matter what the LAW says."
Howard (self appointed President of the Florida Renegade Rider's Club)
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