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RE: RC: Training a New Endurance Horse

Carol Burgess wrote:
> I'm trying to training him to work off his rear end...
> Any suggestions would help.

Hi Carol,

Dressage *Lessons*, dressage *Lessons*, dressage *Lessons*.

Once you and your horse get the hang of what you are trying
to learn, they are actually very fun.  Quite a bit like dog
obedience training.  If your horse is a smart as he seems,
he'll enjoy the challange.  As you observe him learning,
you'll enjoy the ring a lot more than you think.

There are two ways to do this:  Once a month lessons, but
then expect 2-3 years to really see him figure it out.  Or take
lessons every week.  With your 10 YO Standardbred getting a
late start in life under saddle, I'd suggest once a week lessons
to get you two off to a good start.  Most of all, Have Fun!

:) - Kathy Myers
in No. Cal. with Magnum the TB ex-racer
and Mr Maajistic... aka "Blue"

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