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Re: Fw: Important re Virus
- To: Joan Dowis <jrd@foothill.net>
- Subject: Re: Fw: Important re Virus
- From: Nat & Richard <trailride@foothill.net>
- Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:11:56 -0700
- CC: Western States Trail Foundation <wstf@foothill.net>, Vicki Roseberry <sunsettrails@excite.com>, Sherri <coolcody@surfside.net>, Shannon Weil <sweil@foothill.net>, Sarah Konst <konst@oro.net>, Roxanne Greene <vgreene@earthlink.net>, Roberta Jo Lieberman <woik@home.com>, Rob Edwards <rob@anvilmag.com>, ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>, Rho Jacoby <rho@jps.net>, Paul Yeagley <hamrman2@aol.com>, Patty Norman <pwnorman@pacbell.net>, Pat Jaffarian <hajaff@thegrid.net>, Pam Greer <pgcool@jps.com>, Naomi <sassy@foothill.net>, Nancy Elliot DVM <hossdoc@southcoast.net>, Mo Livermore <monow@jps.net>, Merv & Judy Pyorre <judylp@mindspring.com>, Martin Macken <martinmacken@netscape.net>, Marilyn Hunter <mhunter@onemain.com>, Margretta DeVries <riders3@earthlink.net>, Marc Van Zuuk <marc_van_zuuk@dot.ca.gov>, Lois Mason <lois.mason@neworld.net>, Lisa Jordan <pslj5@home.com>, Linda Sullivan <jcandls@foothill.net>, Linda Romander <romander@foothill.net>, Laurie Bernard <paintedsierra@excite.com>, Larry Suddjian <suddjian@jps.net>, Kristine Hartman <hartvan@foothill.net>, Katie Talbot <ntalbut@sacrt.com>, Karin & Pete Occhialini <poko@rcsis.com>, Karen Nelson <knelson@thegrid.net>, Joe Larkin <LarkinR@sutterhealth.org>, Joe Larkin <larkin@sutterhealth.org>, Jill Dampier <damp@psyber.com>, Jerry & Linda Owen <linda@foothill.net>, Jayne Brooks-Trainor <wampus@neworld.net>, Janet Pucci <aussiconn@yahoo.com>, Jane Stipovich <justjane@foothill.net>, Jan Bugge Keefer <jbugge@thegrid.net>, Gary Carlson DVM <gpcarlson@ucdavis.edu>, Connie Elliott <jbnsoda@aol.com>, Connie Berto <cberto@juno.com>, Cindy Larkin <cindy@parks.ca.gov>, Chuck Mather <cmather@placer.ca.gov>, Chris & Ruth Catlin <dospasos@garlic.com>, Cheryl & Jim Holbrook <glassman1@foothill.net>, Brenda Ruedy <gault@inreach.com>, Bill & Diana Pryor <wdranch@foothill.net>, Barbara Edison <aerowife@jps.net>, Alison Spackman <aspax@vfr.net>
- Organization: natbarn.com
- References: <008d01c0e993$517bb520$3b794dd1@foothill.net>
Joan, it's a hoax.
You deleted a legitimate Windows file that comes with every normal
install of the operating system. The reason that the virus checkers
don't "detect" it is that it's not infected. It is a small executable
that is used by Windows to recover long file names. It probably won't
much affect you otherwise, but you probably ought to see about restoring
This is an interesting variant of a real virus, in that a bogus email
virus warning is used to get hundreds of thousands of PC users to
delete/damage parts of their systems. It propagates itself by
encouraging each recipient of the email to send it to everyone in their
address book. Real viruses are different only in that they automate the
whole process for you. :)
Natalie's Barn & Breakfast http://www.natbarn.com 1-877-NATBARN
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