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Marciante Saddles
Sonnie Hardy sonnieh@surry.net
What's the general opinion of a Marciante saddle? I've never seen one in person. I've read everything in the archives I can find about them and I didn't find any negative comments.
I've checked out his website, received his brochure but the pictures are black and white so it's hard to see detail.
Are these saddles comfortable?
Do they provide a secure seat?
How's the quality for the price?
He claims that the nylon backing on the stirrups makes the fenders more flexibe - makes sense. Anyone have any comments about this?
He also claims that the rigging makes for a more close contact feel? What do ya'll think?
Any additional comments anyone would like to share would be appreciated. I am seriously looking for a new saddle and the Marciante sure is within my budget!
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