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Re: RC: RE: jogging/trotting on pavement
I just wanted to say that we have to ride about 3/4 of
a mile on pavement to our old logging roads that we
ride on. The roads go up and down and are extremely
packed. The large rocks are almost like cobble stone
for a good stretch of the road and Thunder has been
known to trot on the pavement a little bit. I just
wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing him up in the
legs at all by all the trotting on hard ground! Thank
you so much everyone for your information and
suggestions of training. I will keep it up and work a
little more specifically on the pavement.
Happy Trails all!
Kelsey (watch that boulder up ahead!)
Thunder (lets gooooooooo mom! sheesh!)
--- Wolfgang Schwingenheuer <wsabg@t-online.de> wrote:
> > Kelsey,
> > Obviously you don't go out and trot on pavement
> for miles without being
> > prepared. You have to train for it. I've done
> rides where we have
> > trotted on the road for several miles, and the
> horses showed no ill
> > effects because we did that at home. Starting
> with a little at a time.
> > A number of years ago I had a friend who was so
> paranoid she wouldn't
> > walk her horse on pavement for even a couple
> hundred yards, then took
> > him to a local CTR where the trails were hard and
> had a little bit of
> > road riding and he foundered. Not the way to go
> about it!
> > Where I board we have a mile of road to get to the
> trails and another to
> > get back again so our horses start out walking it
> and then when the
> > traffic is light we begin trotting to build them
> up to it.
> > Mickie
> Well said, Mickie! You have to be prepared fro what
> you want to do in
> competition: "NO SURPRISES"!
> My main training terrain is very hard, with a huge
> amount of pavement. My
> horse Ninja likes it - and he is used to it because
> of now 11 years riding
> on it. He is able to trot or canter even downhill
> without any problems. He
> had one injury in his life, a bowed tendon. No, not
> from riding on pavement,
> but from a 60-miler in the Netherland in deep sand -
> something we don't have
> at home. Rules broken: "NO SURPRISES".
> If you want to ride fast in a competition, or even
> want to win, you have to
> trot on whatever coems under your horses hooves. In
> the last few years the
> speed increases a bit, so possibly trotting isn't
> fast enough and you have
> to canter.
> Wolfgang + Ninja 11
> Endurance Trainer&Consulter
> Germany
> N:Schwingenheuer;Wolfgang
> FN:Wolfgang Schwingenheuer
> TEL;WORK;VOICE:+49.2932.27073
> TEL;WORK;FAX:+49.2932.27755
> ADR;WORK:;;Robert-Koch-Strasse
> 16;Arnsberg;NRW;D-59755;Germany
> 16=0D=0AArnsberg, NRW D-59755=0D=0AGermany
> BDAY:19680311
> EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:wsabg@t-online.de
> REV:20010115T143809Z
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