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Mustang Gelding For Sale in Ohio
Donna Rich crich@johnstown.net
Looking for a home for my 4 yr old mustang gelding that
I adopted 2 yrs ago from the BLM. He is 14hh, grey, green
broke (well more than green broke-he justs needs some training) & very willing. Mustangs are slow to mature, so this
guy is still growing. I originally had it in mind that one
of my boys would use him for trail & possibly endurance, but
their interests is in sports & dirt bikes now!!
I pony him alot & he doesn't like to be left behind, he has actually loaded himself into our trailer. He has a nice stride at the trot & paces along side my Anglo really nice. At the moment my problem is getting him to go alone, so I put my oldest on him & he follows quit nicely behind another horse. He seems so eager to be out there.
Price: $850.00 obo
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