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Fw: "Let's get it on!" PART ONE OF TWO
Becky, i sent this morning, but it hasn't come thru on ridecamp. Can you
please forward for me? Here is part one, part two to follow. Thanks, Cliff
----- Original Message ----- From: <GrandPaws@cs.com
>Subject: Re: "Let's get it on!"
> I have recently looked at the RC archives and have some interest in
> a mystery. I think it would be interesting and to everyone's advantage to
> bring this topic to a `known` conclusion. Since I am able, I will play the
> devil's advocate and take up ti's bet. This will help facilitate a
> conclusion one way or 'tother. I do not personally know either ti, Bill or
> Heidi, have no agenda or business interests, other than the curiosity to
> find the truth.
> If Bill is correct, and his detailed records seem to bear that out, he can
> certainly use the cash for medical expenses. If his detractors are
> that his horse has not done these great performances in competition with
> use of supplements, then new riders should not be hoodwinked into thinking
> so.
> So.......
> BET's ON!!!!
> We need to clarify a few of the terms, which will provide "adequate
> I'm sure that I have not read all the posts on this topic, but I noted
> were at least three event dates mentioned, March 10, April 21, and May 5,
> 2001. Just in case of misplacement or loss of vet cards from one date,
> simplify it for Bill and ask for the names of the vets who worked two of
> these rides, so that the actual persons can be identified and contacted
> verification.
> Additionally, it should not be too difficult to provide the date,
> event manager or secretary and ride results of 2 out of three events with
> names, addresses, phone #s of the persons who managed these events and one
> person who worked or competed in each of the 2 events. That should keep
> from having to run down too much information if any of the events are
> outside his stomping ground of East Texas.
> Essentially, this will be providing location of 2 events and identity of 6
> people who can verify Bill's / Smokey's performance --- 3 people at two
> different events (veterinarian, manager and ride secretary or competitor.)
> am sure a ride manager or secretary could provide a competitor list, since
> rules are very similar to AERC, and that way a random sampling or two of
> competitor accounts could be taken by Heidi. Every gossip/backbiter should
> be squelched with that kind of evidence, which would also prove that each
> event was not a single competitor ride.
> Let me now include ti's challenge in its entirety--copied from the
> > Heidi >> >> I'll try to keep it very simple, for you, Heidi. Since Bill
> has been posting > information on my list, perhaps a dozen fine people
> this list have > harassed him directly, or through others, essentially
> calling him a liar. > That is backbiting.
> >
> > I've advised Bill to provide no more information at all--he has the vet
> slips--so that the gossipers can stay real busy. He is badly hurt and need
> not respond to the busy bodies and retards who MUST know all the details
> > his life, and whose goal is simply to make him out a liar.
> >
> > Tell you what. I'll bet $1000 that what he says is true and I will
> > adequate proof to anyone who will put up the cash. We'll let you hold
> I > will provide you alone with the proof, on the condition that you
> it > only after we have a player or two. I will donate the winnings to
> Bill's > medical bills.
> >
> > Fair enough? Ante up and let's have at it.
> >
> > ti
> >
> > Tom Ivers, President
> > Equine Racing Systems, Inc.
> > <A HREF="http://www.equineracing.com/">ERS Home Page</A>
> >
> Since ti has stated, and I quote again from the archives "> Tell you what.
> I'll bet $1000 that what he says is true and I will provide > adequate
> to anyone who will put up the cash. ", let's add verification of a
> that Bill has made. The Texas DPS is going to be loathe to verify an
> accident record for the sake of an internet game, so let's take something
> that is a matter of public record: 250 acre farm ownership. Bill's realty
> transactions or ownership can be verified in the County Courthouse (county
> of his residence/farm) as a matter of Public Record. Additionally, the tax
> office can provide records without infringing upon anyone's privacy
> Once again, I quote Bill from the archives: "The test track is a 240acre
> pasture on our farm. trail is flat, with > numerous> curves and bends to
> the 14 miles. mileage was measured with an> ATV when> trail was first laid
> out."
> Even with the amount of rain we have had this spring in Texas, a 14 mile
> trail ridden last winter for as much as 240 miles per week would still be
> visible worn track on our East Texas soils. Where is the farm/trail?
> (this is in an exchange between ti and Bill in the
> here on `overtraining`: " > --- In horsesciencey..., OasisArab@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 2/17/01 1:40:02 AM Central Standard Time, > Tivers@a...
> writes:>>
> > > Note that this chapter was devoted to the study of endurance > >
> athletes--things > > are somewhat different with overtraining in speed
> athletes. Also > note that > > 3 > > hours a day of easy lope in a horse
> amounts to about 45 miles.
> > >
> > > Tom Ivers
> > >>
> > It would appear to me that "overtraining" is relative. Some athletes >
> will > have different ideas and reactions to overtraining. In our case, >
> during a 7 > day period we will log +/- 240 miles, some flat speed work,
> some > hill work,
> > etc. with 1 complete day off thrown in the middle ..."
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