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Ortho-Flex stirrup pinch/wear
Laurie laurierussell@hotmail.com
I'm riding in a O/F cutback endurance saddle-it's so comfortable with one exception. The stirrup leathers pinch the inside of my leg(my calf muscle) unless I wear my half-chaps. So I wear my half chaps (suede) and they are causing alot of wear on the saddle leather. This type of saddle has no stirrup fender, it's very similar to a dressage saddle in its stirrup design.
Also, the Biothane stirrup leather seems to be rubbing/wearing on the saddle leather too. So I have the leathers wrapped with a cover made by O/F but they wearing out quickly.
I'm thinking of buying a wool saddle cover but the stirrup leathers are still going to rub against the saddle fenders.
This seems like a flaw in the design, yet I see alot of O/F saddles out there.
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