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RE: trailers

We got a Travalong that we really like - except for being steel.  But the
truck can handle the weight and hubby is good at painting cars, so we can
handle the occasional rusty spots.

We got a 4 horse slant gooseneck, but this model comes in a 3 horse too.  It
has a collapsible rear tack and a big mid tack.  The DR is big enough to
convert to LQ, which we will slowly do over the next year.  There is also a
door from the LQ to a little pantry with another door to the horse area.  It
has really been a convenient set-up.  We will probably use a porta-potty and
cowboy shower set up in the first stall.

The gooseneck is also not too slanted (sideways or down) so there's room for
people and a mattress. Only complaints we've had is the little plastic
doo-hickys that hold the panels in the horse area in place don't last.  But
they're cheap and easy to replace with better ones.

The price was really good on these trailers - around $13-14k for the
4-horse.  The company we got it from gave us a huge trade-in on our stock
trailer since we'd bought that from them too.  We did a whirlwind tour of
the entire front range of Colorado and of course found this in the dark at
the last place we went to!

Good Luck,

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