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RE: RC: Stirrup suggestions for bad ankles and knees

A couple of years ago, my leather leathers broke.  So, the least expensive option to replace them at the tack shop I went to was to get a pair of biothane leathers.  Wow, they are great!  Don't stretch a bit.  BUT, there is the problem with being a bit stickier on tights than leather.  If you have biothane tack, you know what I mean.  And, after getting mine adjusted where I want them, I put a strip of duct tape around them just above the irons to keep the layers together...I found they liked to make a terrible 'snap' like a crop w/ a popper end if the leather bounced up from the irons bouncing up.  None of my horses appreciated that 'snap' and I certainly didn't appreciate the unintentional 'giddyup' that it caused LOL. With them taped together, there is no bouncing around, and no snap (and no pinched thighs!).

> First, make sure the leathers are the same length and the holes are the
> same distances from the buckle end.  It is very easy to forget to switch
> inside and outside leathers occasionally.  The mounting side will stretch
> from mounting.

Corrine Osborne

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