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Re: RC: young adults & Endurance
In a message dated Tue, 22 May 2001 2:47:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Colleen Kirkpatirck" <polaristhewonderhorse@hotmail.com> writes:
<< Am I the only one who's in there 20's in this sport?
I am on the search for young people like my self and an explanation
why there are so few of us.>>
Well, I'm not "one of you" anymore, but I used to be. And in a nutshell, the main reason that a great many folks in that age group are NOT involved with endurance is that endurance takes a lot of time and commitment as well as a bit of disposable income when one gets to the point of actually competing, and young adulthood is a phase of life that a great many folks are busy getting started on careers, families, etc. Many are too busy and don't yet have the resources to compete. Once the kids are old enough to put the peanut butter on their own bread, and once the family can afford a truck and trailer, THEN a great many more folks get started in our great sport...
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