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Re: Q on Probios
> Should I give Probios to my horse after worming? If so, how long after
> he has been wormed should I give the Probios? I will worm him with
> Zimecterin this evening.
Is it necessary, probably not. Do I give a dose for a few days just for
grins after worming, yup. :-) Won't hurt.
> Also, I bought the Probios brand as that is what was at the feed store.
> Last night I was reading on Susan Garlinghouse's site about probiotics
> and she mentioned getting the type that had a broader spectrum of bugs
> in it. What would be a better brand?
There are plenty of good brands out there, I'm sure. I happen to have two
favorites, Fastrack because of a few more species than just Lactobacillus;
and also Yea-Sacc, a yeast culture that (lo and behold) actually has some
research data behind it to back up their claims. It's kinda hard to find
over the counter, but feed stores that cater to livestock sometimes have it.
Or, there are several feed lines (All-Amerian, a few others) that include it
in the commercial feed. I especially like the yeast for growing babies, as
it has some benefits against developmental orthopedic diseases.
Another good option would be the generic probiotics put out by a company
that for the life of me I can't call to mind. Something something Equine.
Karen C knows what it is, they make a bunch of generic supplements including
a good probiotic with good concentration and spectrum of bugs at a decent
price. Darn, I'll wake up at three this morning and remember what it is if
Karen doesn't post it first.
BTW, Susan, that site is terrific
> and fascinating! With your insight I feel much more confident that I am
> feeding my horse with some knowledge rather than relying on Aunt Annies
> Rocket Fuel! Now if the feed store will just get in that beet pulp they
> ordered for me!
That's very nice of you, thank you.
Susan G
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